Rust Proof Any-Way Spray Paint, 305/6, 16oz
MFG #: 305/6
/ EA
- Lead Time: Tenet Stock Item
- Paint Resistance: Rust
- Finish: High-Gloss
- Lead-free, high gloss and high-hide coverage
- Can be applied over sound rusted areas
- 360° application - sprays in any direction
- Primer not required but recommended over bare steel
- VOC and MIR compliant
- Other colors available: aluminum, brite red, brown, cat yellow new, cat yellow old, dark gray, flat black, flat white, forest green, gold, john deere green, light blue, light gray, meter gray, meter green, royal blue, safety black, safety blue, safety green, safety orange, safety purple, safety red, safety white, safety yellow, satin black, school bus yellow, semi-flat black, silver, tan
- 16-EA/CS
- Description
Aervoe Rust Proof Any-Way Spray Paint is an industrial enamel coating that is ideally suited for use in moderate interior/exterior exposure applications. This rust-proofing, high-quality paint adheres to any surface and provides protection against corrosion, light abrasion, weathering and mild chemical fumes.