XCI CG Insulation Panels
- Facing: Coated Glass
- Lead Time: Tenet Stock Item
- Polyiso offers increased R-Value per inch vs. mineral fiber, XPS or EPS options
- Contains no HFC’s and has virtually zero global warming potential
- One side has a light colored coated glass facer and the other side has a darker color coated glass facer
- Flame spread of <75 per ASTM E 84
- Conforms to ASTM C1289 Type II, Class 2
- Approvals: NFPA 285, ASTM E 2178, ASTM D 1037 and facilities compliance with ASHRAE 90.1, IECC, IBC and IRC
- Description
Hunter Panels XCI CG insulation panels have a high R-Value and are made with a closed cell polyisocyanurate foam core on-line to premium performance coated glass facers on each side of the board. These panels are ideally suited for use in exterior wall applications, providing continuous insulation within the building envelope.