QuietR Duct Board, 1'' X 4' X 10' SHIP LAP

In Stock: 4800
  • Lead Time: Tenet Stock Item
  • Thickness: 1"
  • Width: 48"
  • Length: 10'
  • Facing: FSK
  • Density PCF: 4.4
  • Absorbs noise and reduces popping noises caused by expansion, contraction and vibration
  • Assured thermal R-value performance
  • Bacterial and fungal growth resistant with an EPA registered biocide that helps protect the air stream surface from microbial growth
  • Thermal/acoustical insulation board plus jacket forms a single component duct system, thus reducing inspection time
  • Lightweight boards are easier to transport and handle than insulated sheet metal ducts
  • Virtually eliminates air leakage thus saving energy and removing the need for system overdesign
  • Sold 240-SF/PK
  • Description
Owens Corning QuietR Duct Board is a rigid, resin bonded fibrous glass board with a tough, damage-resistant, flame retardant, reinforced aluminum foil (FRK) facing and durable mat air stream surface.